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Mr. Abdulla Aripov

Mr. Abdulla Aripov

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Dr QU Dongyu

Mr. QU Dongyu

Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Bakut Torobaev

Mr. Jamshid Khodjaev

Deputy Prime Minister Republic of Uzbekistan

Ms. Rabab Fatima

Ms. Rabab Fatima

Under Secretary-General and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States.

H.E. Mr. I. Abdurakhmanov

Mr. Ibrohim Abdurahmonov

Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Kudratov Laziz Shavkatovich

Mr. Laziz Kudratov

Minister of investments, industry and trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Mr. Janusz Wojciechowski

Mr. Janusz Wojciechowski

European Union Commissioner for Agriculture

Mr. Alvaro Lario

Mr. Alvaro Lario

President, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Ms. Daniela Irotova-Lazareva

Mr. Aly Abousabaa

CGIAR Regional Director of Central and West Asia and North Africa, and Director General, ICARDA

Mr. Maximo Torero

Mr. Maximo Torero

FAO Chief Economist

 Mr. Bakyt Torobaev

Mr. Bakyt Torobaev

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers - Minister of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic

Saparov Aidarbek Seipellovich

Mr. Aidarbek Saparov

Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Berik Aryn

Mr. Ambassador Berik Aryn

Director General Islamic Organization for Food Security (IofS)

Vakhabov Davron Abdujalolovich

Mr. Davron Vakhabov

Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Khakimzoda Kurbon

Mr. Khakimzoda Kurbon

Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan

Mr. Samuel Dalitso Kawale

Mr. Samuel Kawale

Minister of Agriculture of Malawi

Mr. Onyoti Adigo Nyikec

Mr. Onyoti Adigo

Minister of Livestock & Fisheries of South Sudan

Mr. Enkhbayar Jadamba

Mr. Enkhbayar Jadamba

Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia

Mr. Guismala Hamza

Mr. Guismala Hamza

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Central African Republic

Mr. Ahmet Gümen

Mr. Ahmet Gümen

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Republic of Türkiye

Mr. Elchin Zeynalov

Mr. Elchin Zeynalov

Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Azerbaijan

 Mr. Vangelis Peter

Mr. Vangelis Peter

Deputy Minister of Lands, agriculture, fisheries, water, and rural development of Zimbabwe

 Mr. Andranik Grigoryan

Mr. Andranik Grigoryan

First Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia

 Mr. Sidney Simelane

Mr. Sidney Simelane

Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture of Eswatini

 Mr. Urunov Aziz

Mr. Aziz Urunov

Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan on WTO issues

Ms. Daniela Irotova-Lazareva

Ms. Daniela Irotova-Lazareva

State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Republic of North Macedonia

Ms. Tarifa Alzaabi

Ms. Tarifa Alzaabi

Director General, ICBA

Mr. Deepak Kumar Kharal

Mr. Deepak Kumar Kharal

Secretary of the Ministry of Forests and Environment, Government of Nepal